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Marriott’s commitment to DEI is closely connected with our human capital strategy, which is based on three signature elements — Growing Great Leaders, Investing in Associates, and Access to Opportunity — that will create an environment to allow associates to thrive.

Chef Dupree and David Marriott

DEI Goals

As part of Marriott’s Serve 360 Goals, the company aims to:

  • Achieve gender parity for global executives by year-end 2023
  • Increase representation of people of colour in U.S. executive positions to 25% by year-end 2025
Associate Resource Groups

Associate Resource Groups (ARGs)

Marriott’s ARGs for Asian & Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ+ | ONE, Women, and Young Professionals communities and their allies, provide another avenue for building a sense of community and cross-cultural competence. More than 6,000 associates from 99 countries have joined.

Lisa Harper standing

Developing Women Leaders

Since its inception in 1999, Marriott’s Women’s Leadership Development Initiative provides a comprehensive women’s agenda under one strategic umbrella. The four key objectives of this initiative are:

  • Increasing the presence of women in leadership roles
  • Strengthening the career development process for women
  • Providing a role for senior management to play in the advancement of women
  • Capitalising on engaging women leaders to drive organisational success
Two ladies at Marriott-Sorenson Center

Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality Leadership

The company continues to move forward with the Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality Leadership at Howard University (Washington, D.C., U.S.), and in 2023, 19 students will be part of the Center’s inaugural cohort. Marriott also launched a Guest Lecturer Series at the University featuring Marriott executives presenting sessions focused on hospitality as a career.