Grotta Giusti Thermal Spa Resort Tuscany, Autograph Collection

Poetry of Nature

Park and Gardens

Grotta Giusti is a journey into the wonder and the poetic charm of nature, a lifestyle resort that celebrates the health properties of water and a one-of-a-kind landscape: an absolute harmony between earth, water, and history that you can sense in every instant. You will feel its presence in the magic of the thermal cave and in the greenery of the age-old park. You will experience this synergy in our hospitality, in the spa treatments born from a millenary culture of water, and in the pleasure of food, all in perfect symbiosis.

The Natural Park

A Timeless Natural Setting

A park is a monument made out of time and patience. This is how the Grotta Giusti park was born: from the desire of the Giusti family and then from a project by Pietro Porcinai, the great landscape artist. And it came from the nature of Tuscany, from decades of care which created forty hectares of meadows, flowers, Mediterranean scrub, and ancient trees. This is our landscape, our nature, our living, breathing beauty: a perfect complement to the secret wonders of the cave.


The Garden

An Oasis of Peace

In the large park, we lovingly grow and care for a small plot of precious plants. This is the herbal garden, with its aromatic and medicinal plants. Freshly picked, they provide aromas that make our chefs’ creations exceptional.

Private Park
Swimming Pool
Oasi Pool

The Oasi Pool

The outdoor swimming pool is immersed in the greenery of the park and filled with the aroma of Mediterranean herbs. As in a small sheltered bay, it is in a subtle amphitheatre facing the blue of the water. The poolside bar and restaurant offer refreshing drinks and delicious natural snacks.

Fitness in the park

The Fitness Trail

The trail is equipped with simple elements such as a few steps, to be used both as a resting seat or for exercising. You can run accompanied by music soundtracks to boost body and mind, and by a selection of discovery audio guides, that both let guests get to know a bit more of the natural surroundings and suggest them how to do exercises in specific spots of the park for a better connection with body and mind.

Private Park

The Olive Grove

At Grotta Giusti, we look after an olive grove that is as beautiful as it is precious. Its olives give us our organic extra virgin olive oil, used in the kitchen by our chefs and a magic element for beauty in our spa treatments. The olive grove is also a place to discover the work and peasant wisdom, experience the rhythms of nature, taste the oil and learn about its properties.

Spa Treatments

The Thermal Spa Treatments

Grotta Giusti’s thermal spa today offers a carefully curated collection of treatments. Each one has been specially designed for the new spa, in harmony with Grotta Giusti’s real essence: the poetry of nature at all times. The beauty rituals are enhanced with Mediterranean products and fragrances. The treatment rooms on the ground floor and first floor offer privacy and relaxation, with music and light that can be personalized as you wish.

spa suite, spa treatment rooms, twin room